Why Write this Blog?
Ending a marriage with a narcissist is an experience like no other. No matter how hard you may have tried to make things work, no matter how many times you took the blame just to restore peace, you will be painted as some villain and they will play a victim. Assuming you are a sane healthy person, you will find that a lot of people who you thought you meant something to have bought the narcissist’s BS without even bothering to ask for your side of things. And after all is said and done, after letting them characterize you as a terrible person and destroy the relationships that had meant something to you, you likely just want to get to tell your story.
I am not going to reach out to people who dumped me without a word. I am not going to ever speak to him again. I have plenty of real friends who saw how he treated me and have stood by me. It’s just that after years of being the excuse for his bad behavior and blamed for everything from his poor relationships with his children to his DUI to his cheating on me, all while being shit on and screamed at regularly, I need to share my POV, even if I am typing into the void.